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All CollectionsIntegrations + Typeform Integration: Capture Call Data & Trigger Calls from Form Entries + Typeform Integration: Capture Call Data & Trigger Calls from Form Entries

Integrate with Typeform via Zapier to log AI call data and trigger calls from new form entries for instant follow-ups.

Updated this week


Connect with Typeform using Zapier to streamline data collection and voice outreach. This guide covers:

Scenario A: Attempting to log call responses or outcomes into Typeform (or linked systems) for analysis.
Scenario B: Triggering an call whenever a new Typeform form submission is received (e.g., calling a survey respondent or follow-up lead).

Since Typeform lacks direct API support for inserting responses, we’ll discuss workarounds for Scenario A while focusing on Scenario B’s direct call automation setup.

Scenario A: Logging Call “Responses” in Typeform (Workaround)


After an call, you want to record some data (like answers to questions asked during the call) into a Typeform, as if those were form responses. Important: Typeform does not support adding new responses via Zapier (there’s no “Create Response” action due to Typeform’s API limitation (How can I answer surveys using the Typeform API? | Community). So we cannot literally insert answers into a Typeform's results. However, here are a couple of approaches to achieve a similar outcome:

  • Option 1: Use Google Sheets as an intermediary – Log call data in a Google Sheet (as we did in Google Sheets scenario) and then import or sync that with Typeform results manually later if needed. (Typeform doesn’t easily import though). This is more of an export approach.

  • Option 2: Use Typeform’s Hidden Fields & redirect – This is a creative workaround: You could set up a Typeform with hidden fields for each piece of data, and use a Webhook or Zapier to open that Typeform’s submit URL with those fields pre-filled to create a submission. However, Typeform’s API doesn't allow submission, and auto-opening a form URL (simulate a user) is complex and not reliable.

  • Option 3: Use an alternative form or database – If the goal is just to capture Q&A, consider using Airtable or Google Sheets which allow inserts (as we have actions for those). Airtable, for instance, could serve as a database of call Q&A.

Given these, a practical solution is to log call data in a system that can accept it, then perhaps link to Typeform analytics separately. If insisting on Typeform specifically, one could manually merge data or just use Typeform for the trigger part (scenario B).

For the sake of completeness, we’ll outline how you might capture call results using Zapier, albeit not directly into Typeform:

  1. trigger: Set up a Zap with Awaz.aiNew Call trigger (call finished). Connect and test as usual, retrieving call data (like call status, etc.).

  2. Action - Google Sheets or Airtable: Instead of Typeform, choose Sheets or

    Airtable to store the responses. For example, Airtable:

    • Create an Airtable base “Awaz Call Responses” with fields for whatever you want to log (Call ID, Question1, Answer1, Question2, Answer2, etc., or a blob of transcript).

    • In Zapier, use Airtable – Create Record and map Awaz data. If your Awaz agent provides structured output (not sure if it does; maybe through Agent Trigger events for certain answers), map those. If not structured, maybe just store the call transcript or summary (if Awaz returns that).

    • Test and turn on. This way, every call creates a record in Airtable with the “responses.”

  3. (Optional) Export to Typeform: If absolutely needed in Typeform, you might manually upload that data or use Typeform’s import (Typeform doesn’t have a direct import for responses). Typeform is more for collecting responses from users directly. You might reconsider why you need it in Typeform – if it’s for analysis or viewing, Airtable or Sheets might suffice.

  4. Alternative - Typeform Report Form: Another creative idea: create a Typeform that your team or a webhook fills out with call results. For example, after a call, send a Slack message with a link to a Typeform that is pre-filled with call ID and ask an agent to categorize the call. But that introduces human step, not fully automated.

Troubleshooting & Tips:

  • Unfortunately, because Typeform doesn’t allow writing data via Zapier (only reading new submissions), scenario A is limited. We recommend using a database or spreadsheet for logging call data. Once in a sheet, you could use Typeform’s analysis by importing CSV if Typeform offers that feature (currently, Typeform doesn’t import responses; you’d analyze data in other tools).

  • If the purpose was to have all Q&A (from calls and from online forms) in one place, consider using a tool like Google Sheets or a BI tool to combine data from both sources rather than trying to force Typeform to store phone call answers.

  • Best Practice: Use consistent labeling so you can correlate a Typeform questionnaire and an Awaz call questionnaire. For instance, if Awaz asked the same questions as a Typeform survey, you can later compare results by matching questions, even if data is stored separately.

In summary, direct logging “responses in Typeform” isn’t feasible via Zapier due to API limitatio (How can I answer surveys using the Typeform API? | Community)4】. Instead, log the call outputs to another storage (Sheet/Airtable). We will now focus on scenario B, which is fully supported and a common integration:

Scenario B: Trigger Call from a Typeform Submission


Whenever someone submits a Typeform form, automatically initiate an call. This is useful if you want to follow up via phone immediately after form submission. For example, a user fills out a “Request a Demo” form (with their phone number), and moments later, they receive a call from your Awaz AI agent to maybe collect additional info or confirm scheduling.

Step 1: Set Up Typeform Trigger

  1. Create Zap with Typeform “New Entry” trigger: In Zapier, choose Typeform as the trigger app and select New Entry (triggered when a form is submitte (Typeform Integrations | Connect Your Apps with Zapier).

  2. Connect Typeform account: You’ll be prompted to connect your Typeform account. Sign in and allow Zapier access.

  3. Configure trigger – choose the specific form: Select the Typeform form you want to monitor (e.g., “Demo Request Form”). Only submissions from this form will trigger the Zap.

  4. Test trigger: Zapier will fetch a recent sample form submission. Make sure the sample data includes fields you need, especially a phone number. In Typeform, phone might be a specific question type or just a text field. Ensure your form asks for phone in a structured way (Typeform has a Phone number field type – ideal as it validates format). The sample will show answers with their questions. For example, you might see “What is your phone number?” -> “+1234567890” in the data. Zapier should parse Typeform responses either as individual fields or a collection. Zapier typically provides each question’s answer as a separate item you can map.

    Step 2: Map Typeform Data to Call (Action)

  5. Add “Make a Call” action: Select as the action app and Make a Call as the event. Connect account if not already.

  6. Set up call details using Typeform answers:

    • Agent ID: Choose the AI agent that should handle these form follow-up calls (maybe an agent specialized in qualifying leads, etc.).

    • From Number: Enter/select your number for caller ID if needed.

    • Contact Name: Map this to the person’s name from the form. Likely your Typeform asks for name (maybe separate first/last or one field). If separate, combine as needed like “John Doe”. If only email and phone were collected, you might not have a name – in that case, you could leave name blank or use the email as name just for record. But best to ask name in the form.

    • Contact Phone Number: Map this to the phone number answer from Typeform. Select the field that corresponds to phone. If Typeform had a phone question, Zapier typically shows it clearly (like “Phone Number: +123456...”). Choose that. This is crucial for dialing.

    • Call DateTime: Decide if you want immediate call or a delay. Often, you might call right away or within a minute of submission to impress the user. If immediate, leave blank. If you prefer a short wait, you can incorporate Delay by Zapier step before this action (e.g., delay 2 minutes to give a breather). Or if your form asks for a preferred call time, use that: e.g., if the Typeform had a question “When should we call you?” and they pick a time, you could parse that and feed here. Typeform could have a date/time question. If so, map it. Just ensure to convert the timezone if needed to what Awaz expects. If user gives “3:00 PM tomorrow” and the form captures it in a field, you may need to format that to a proper datetime. This gets advanced, but doable with Zapier Formatter. For now, assuming immediate or no scheduling question, leave blank to call ASAP.

    • (Additional context: If your Awaz agent could benefit from knowing some of the form answers, you might want to pass them. Awaz’s Make a Call action doesn’t have extra fields aside from contact info. However, you could first use “Add Contact” action to create a contact on Awaz with custom fields like “Product Interest” or whatever was on the form, then call. Awaz contact custom fields might hold the info and maybe the agent script can retrieve it. This is advanced and requires that the Awaz AI is designed to use contact’s custom fields. If not, at minimum the agent can call and maybe ask the user questions again or proceed accordingly. But if the form already gave info, ideally the AI should use that to avoid repetition. Check if Awaz API allows you to pass a note or context string along with the call. If not, you might have the AI politely not re-ask known info or even mention it: you could possibly feed it via a prompt if you had a way. Workaround could be through the Agent Trigger or contacting Awaz devs for passing context. For now, we stick to just calling.)

  7. Test the action: Run a test. Zapier will use the sample form data (make sure the sample had a valid phone, perhaps your own for test). When you test, should attempt to call that number. Check your phone if you used yours, or see Awaz logs. If the call connects, you should hear your AI agent. If something goes wrong:

    • Verify the phone format. Typeform might give a nicely formatted number. Awaz might require E.164 format (with + and country). The Typeform phone field usually already gives E.164 format with + for country if configured. If the user entered differently (if just a text field), you might need to format. Use Formatter step to ensure + and digits only, if necessary.

    • Ensure the agent ID is correct and active.

    • If using a scheduling from form, test that carefully – scheduling in the past or too soon could cause no call or immediate call. If scheduling far future, Zap will still succeed (Awaz schedules it), but you might not see immediate action. For initial tests, try immediate.

  8. Turn on Zap: Name it like “Typeform to Awaz Call” and enable. Now, whenever the form is submitted, calls will trigger.

Step 3: Inform the user (Optional but recommended)

When someone submits a form and gets an unexpected call, it might surprise them. It’s good practice to either:

  • Inform on the form “You’ll receive a call shortly” on the thank-you page or in form description.

  • Or send an immediate email/slack alert to a team member to join or monitor the call.

  • Or even have the Zap send an SMS (through Twilio or another service) to the user: “Thank you for your submission, we are calling you now from [CompanyName].” This is extra, but could improve user experience.

You can use Typeform’s Thank You Screen to say something like “Thank you! Our system will call you shortly at the number provided for an immediate follow-up.” Then it’s expected.

Troubleshooting & Best Practices:

  • Double submissions: Ensure one call per submission. Zapier will trigger each new entry uniquely. If a user submits twice, two calls. That’s fine usually (maybe they wanted a repeat). Just be aware of duplicates.

  • Correct form fields: If your form has multiple phone fields or conditional logic, ensure you map the right field. Sometimes Typeform integration in Zapier might present answers generically like “Question 1, Question 2” if Typeform question labels aren’t fetched. Name your Typeform questions clearly so it’s easy to map. In Zapier, you might see a field name like “Phone Number” if the question was exactly that. If not, it might show as a field with a generic name or just the answer. Use Zapier’s output inspector to confirm which is which.

  • Form optional phone: If phone is not required on Typeform, add a filter in Zap: if phone answer is blank, maybe don’t call. (Probably you’d make it required for this scenario’s form).

  • International considerations: If your form gets international users, you might want your Awaz agent to be language-aware or have different agents by language. You could detect the country code in the phone and choose an agent or script accordingly. That would require multiple Awaz agents and some logic: e.g., Filter or Paths: If phone starts with +33 (France), use French-speaking agent Zap path; if +1 use English agent, etc. This is advanced but feasible by duplicating the action step per path. Ensure you have those agents ready.

  • Volume and rate limiting: Typeform submissions come in realtime as webhooks to Zapier, so if you get many at once (like a viral form), Awaz will get many call requests. Ensure your Awaz plan can handle concurrency. likely can queue or handle multiple calls in parallel (especially if using AI, it may spin multiple instances). If unsure, test with a couple simultaneous triggers. Zapier will send them near-simultaneously. Awaz should handle it or queue internally.

  • Failure handling: If an Awaz call fails (maybe number invalid or user doesn’t pick up), decide if you want a backup action. For instance, if call status comes back as failed (but that would happen asynchronously after Zap completed unless Awaz has a callback event), you might not catch it in this Zap run. You could rely on Scenario A’s call log to see failed calls and then perhaps create a follow-up task or send an email. Designing error recovery might be beyond initial setup, but monitor the first few calls. If many fail because of formatting, fix the format. If fail because user didn’t answer, maybe have your AI leave a voicemail or send a text (Awaz might be able to drop a voicemail or integrate with SMS via Zapier in another Zap).

  • Form to call logic fit: Ensure the use-case makes sense. Some users might not expect an immediate call from an online form. This can be impressive or intrusive. Make sure it’s appropriate (e.g., for a sales inquiry, likely fine; for a general survey, maybe not). Always align user expectation with what happens.

With this integration, Typeform becomes not just a passive data collector but a trigger for proactive voice engagement. This can significantly improve lead conversion rates by capitalizing on user interest the moment they submit the form.

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