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All CollectionsIntegrations + Salesforce Integration: Log Calls to CRM & Trigger Calls from CRM Events + Salesforce Integration: Log Calls to CRM & Trigger Calls from CRM Events

Sync AI call data with Salesforce and trigger calls from CRM events using–Salesforce integration via Zapier

Updated this week


Leverage’s integration with Salesforce via Zapier to automate CRM updates and outbound calls. This guide covers:

Scenario A: Automatically creating or updating Salesforce records when an call is completed, ensuring CRM call logs are accurate.
Scenario B: Triggering calls whenever a new Salesforce lead is created or an existing lead is updated for instant follow-ups.

By aligning AI-powered calls with Salesforce, teams can streamline lead management and ensure fast, data-driven follow-ups.

Scenario A: Update/Create a Salesforce Record After an Call


When an AI call finishes, automatically log it in Salesforce – for example, create a “Call” task under a Contact/Lead, update the lead’s status, or create a new Lead with details if the call was with an unknown prospect. We will illustrate creating a Salesforce Lead (or Task) with info from the call.

Step 1: Set Up Call Trigger

1. Create Zap with “New Call” trigger: In Zapier, make a new Zap. Select as trigger and New Call as the event (triggers when a call is finished ( Webhooks by Zapier Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier). This gives us call data upon completion.

2. Connect account: (If not already connected, do so with API key or login.)

3. Test trigger: Get a sample call. Ensure the sample has key info like phone number of the person called, maybe their name if available, call result, etc. If your Awaz agent collects any input (like customer says their email or anything), that might appear too, but typically you’ll at least have phone and maybe an agent or conversation ID.

Step 2: Find or Prepare Salesforce Record (optional search step)

This step is optional but recommended to avoid duplicate records. If your Awaz calls might be to people already in Salesforce (e.g., existing leads or contacts identified by phone or some ID), you can try to find that record first:

4. Add Salesforce “Find Record” action (optional): Choose Salesforce and an event like Find Record. You’ll need to specify an object and search field. For example, Object = Contact, Field = Phone, Value = the phone number from Awaz. Or Object = Lead, Field = Phone. (Make sure the phone formats align; you might use Formatter to strip characters, as Salesforce might store as (123) 456-7890 format versus +11234567890).

5. Test search: If a matching record is found, Zapier will return its details (including the record ID). If none, it might return nothing. You can handle both cases in the next step. (Zapier’s Salesforce integration might also have a “Create Lead if no found” in one step called “Create Record (allow duplicate)” or using a upsert. If available, you could use Create Lead and in the setup, enable “allow field duplicates” or provide the identifying field for upsert. If not, use separate actions as below.)

Step 3: Create or Update Salesforce Record

Now decide if you want to create a new Lead or update an existing one or maybe log a call as a Task. We’ll outline creating a Lead for simplicity:

6. Add Salesforce action – e.g., “Create Record”: Choose Salesforce again, select Create Record. Then choose the object, e.g., Lead (or Contact, or a custom “Call Log” object if you have one).

7. Connect Salesforce account: If not connected, sign into Salesforce via Zapier. Ensure Zapier is authorized to add records.

8. Set up the record fields: Map Awaz call data to Salesforce fields. For a Lead, typical required fields are Last Name and Company. If you only have a phone, you might have to get creative: e.g., use the phone number as Last Name (not ideal, maybe “Unknown”), and Company could be something like “Awaz Call” or a default value because Salesforce demands something. Alternatively, choose Contact object if you have one main entity and maybe use phone as unique, but Contact requires last name too. You could also create a Task (activity) record associated with a user or lead – that might actually be a better representation of a call. For demonstration, we’ll do Lead:

  • Last Name: If Awaz provided the contact’s name, use it (split into first/last if needed). Often you might only have a first name or none. If no name, you can use something like “AwazCall [Phone]” as a placeholder last name. (Salesforce requires a last name for Lead/Contact). e.g., Last Name = “Call from +1234567890”.

  • Company: For Lead, also required. If you don’t know, you can use a generic like “Individual” or “Unknown” or perhaps your own company or a tag like “Awaz Lead”. (Or if your business uses a specific convention for unqualified leads, follow that.)

  • Phone: Map the phone number from Awaz. This ensures if the person calls again, you could find this lead by phone next time.

  • Lead Source: You might set this to “” or “AI Call” to mark how this lead was created. If you have such a picklist, select or type a value.

  • Description: Here you can log call details. For example, put “Call via on {{date}}. Outcome: {{Call Status}}. Notes: {{any important info}}.” If Awaz’s data includes a summary or the conversation, you might truncate and put it here or in a custom long text field. Be careful not to overflow Salesforce field limits (Descriptions are usually 32k chars max, which is plenty).

  • Status or Rating: If creating a lead, maybe set Status = “Open - Not Contacted” or “Open - Contacted” depending on context, or use a custom status like “Reached via AI” if you have it. (This is optional and depends on your SF setup).

  • Owner: By default, the Zap will create the Lead owned by the connected user’s default (often you, or a default queue). If needed, you can set Owner ID to a specific user or queue. If left blank, it usually assigns to the integration user or default owner.

  • (If you did the find step and found an existing Contact/Lead, you may want to update instead: you could skip create and do an Update Record using the ID from find. For simplicity, we’ll assume create new always. If using update, map the record ID and then update fields like Last Activity or add a Salesforce Task record next.)

Alternatively, creating a Task: You could choose Object = Task. Then you’d map:

  • Subject = “Call with [Contact or Phone] via Awaz”

  • Description = call summary or outcome,

  • Due Date or Activity Date = call date,

  • Status = Completed,

  • Related To (WhatId) or Name (WhoId) = the Lead/Contact ID if you have it from a find step (this links the task to a person or object). This route logs the call as an activity. It’s a bit more setup (requires that find step to get the WhoId to attach task to). If not found, you could still create an open task saying “Call from unknown number” etc. It depends on your workflow.

9. Test the Salesforce action: When you test this step, it will attempt to create a record in Salesforce with the sample data. Check Salesforce after the test:

  • If creating Lead: In Salesforce, look at Leads. A new lead matching the sample should appear. Verify fields: phone number, description, etc., are populated correctly. If something failed (Zapier will show error), adjust required fields. Common mistakes: missing required field (Salesforce will return an error specifying which field). Fill in that field or give a default.

  • If updating, verify the existing record got updated as expected, or the task was created.

  • If multiple records should be created (unlikely on one trigger), note that Zap will do one per call event.

10. Turn on the Zap: Name it like “Awaz Call to Salesforce” and enable. Now your Salesforce will log each Awaz call event automatically.

Best Practices & Troubleshooting for Salesforce Logging

  • Avoid duplicate leads: If your use case could trigger multiple entries for the same person, definitely use the Find step to check by phone or email. Salesforce doesn’t prevent duplicates by phone out-of-the-box. You might end up with the same person as multiple leads if they call multiple times. To tighten this:

    • Use “Find Lead by Phone” and then a Path in Zapier: if found -> create a Task under that lead; if not found -> create a new Lead. This would ensure one lead per unique phone and subsequent calls just log activities. Implementing Paths: After the Find step, add two branches. Path A: if lead found (ID exists), then Salesforce Create Record (Task) linking to that lead. Path B: if not found, then Salesforce Create Lead. This is a bit advanced but worth it to maintain CRM hygiene.

    • If email is captured by Awaz call (less likely unless your IVR asks for it and passes it), email would be a better unique key for leads/contacts. You could search by email as well.

  • Choosing the right object: Decide if these call entries should be Leads, Contacts, Cases, or a custom Call Log object. For sales outreach calls, Leads make sense (especially if they weren’t in CRM yet). For support calls, maybe Cases or a custom object would be better. You can adapt the action step to any object Salesforce allows Zapier to create. Just ensure you map the fields accordingly.

  • Field mappings: Keep an eye on field types. E.g., if you have a field “Call Date” in Salesforce (date/time type), you’d want to pass a proper date format. Awaz might give you a timestamp; use Zapier’s Formatter to convert to Salesforce acceptable format (ISO8601 or a format like YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ). If you put it in Description only, you can just format it nicely (like using Zapier’s date-formating to a readable string).

  • Zapier-Salesforce permissions: The Salesforce user connected via Zapier needs permission to create leads (or tasks, etc.). If the Zap test fails with a permission error, ensure the user (maybe an integration user) has the right profile/permissions in Salesforce for those objects/fields.

  • Salesforce picklist fields: If setting Lead Source or Status, use exact API names or values. Zapier often loads the picklist for you to choose from. If you type a value that’s not in picklist, Salesforce will error.

  • Volume: If there are many calls, you might generate lots of leads. Be mindful of your Salesforce storage and plan to merge or convert leads appropriately. If these are actual prospects, your sales team might follow up (which is good!). If they’re just call logs for existing customers, leads might not be the best place – consider tasks under contacts, as mentioned.

  • Testing in Salesforce sandbox: If you have a sandbox org, test there first by connecting a sandbox account in Zapier (Zapier allows connecting to sandbox by a checkbox in the Salesforce app settings). This way you don’t pollute prod with test records. Once happy, switch to production connection and re-test with a real scenario.

  • Review: Check after a few real calls that the data is logging as expected in Salesforce. Perhaps create a Salesforce report or list view to see all entries coming from Awaz (filter by Lead Source = Awaz, etc.). This helps verify and also gives quick visibility of these leads/tasks for your team.

Scenario B: Trigger Call from New/Updated Salesforce Lead


Automatically have call a lead or contact when it’s created or updated in Salesforce. For example, when a new lead comes into Salesforce (perhaps via web signup or manual entry), an Awaz AI agent will call them for an initial outreach. Or if a lead’s status changes to “Hot” or “Call Requested”, trigger an immediate call. This keeps your response time quick by letting AI handle the initial call.

Step 1: Set Up Salesforce Trigger

1. Create Zap with Salesforce as Trigger: Start a Zap, choose Salesforce as the trigger app.

2. Select trigger event: You have options like New Record (for a specific objec ( Salesforce Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier)7】 or Updated Record. If you want to trigger on creation, use New Lead (or New Contac ( Salesforce Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier)3】. If on update, use Updated Record and specify the object and perhaps a field to watch. For our use-case, let’s assume new leads should get an immediate call – choose New Record and select Lead as the object. (This trigger will fire for every new lead created in Salesforce).

  • If you specifically want to trigger on updates (e.g., when a lead’s Status changes to “Schedule Demo”), you could use Updated Record with a condition or New Record in Salesforce plus a filter on a field. However, Zapier’s Salesforce “Updated Record” trigger will pick up any field change unless you filter. There is also a “Lead Updated” trigger or you might use a Salesforce outbound message to Zapier via webhook. To keep it straightforward, we’ll cover new leads.

3. Connect Salesforce account: (Connect and authorize if not done). If this is the first Salesforce trigger, Zapier will ask for the object and maybe conditions. For New Record (Lead), you might need to select the Salesforce environment and object.

4. Test trigger: Zapier will fetch a recent new lead as sample. Make sure the sample has the relevant info needed to make a call: ideally a phone number. Salesforce leads often have fields: First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, Company, etc. We need Phone for the call. If your sample lead has no phone, you might need to create a dummy lead with a phone to properly test. (Because we can’t call without a number.)

Step 2: Filter or Conditions (Optional)

If you don’t want every new lead to trigger a call (maybe only those from a specific campaign or country), you can add a Filter step after the trigger. For example, filter: Phone “Exists” (not empty) and maybe Lead Source = “Web Sign-up” or a checkbox “Request Call” = TRUE. Use whatever criteria to target the right leads. If all new leads should be called, you may skip filtering but ensure phone is present:

5. Add Filter (optional): e.g., Field Phone Exists (so Zap stops if phone is blank). You might also filter out leads that have a certain status like “Do Not Call”. If you have a DNC field or opted-out flag, add condition: that field is NOT true. This prevents calling someone who shouldn’t be called.

Step 3: “Make a Call” Action Setup

6. Add action – “Make a Call”: Same as before, choose app and Make a Call eve ( Webhooks by Zapier Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier). Connect account if needed.

7. Map Salesforce lead info to call fields:

  • Agent ID: Choose the AI agent appropriate for new lead outreach (perhaps an agent designed to do a quick intro call).

  • From Number: Select or input your caller ID number (likely your company’s number or a tracking number) if needed.

  • Contact Name: Use the Salesforce Lead’s name. You have separate First Name and Last Name in Salesforce. You can combine them: In Zap fields, it might have a “Full Name” or you simply add First Name and a space then Last Name. Zapier allows you to insert multiple fields in one input. Some Awaz implementations might only need one name field, so combining is fine. E.g., put Lead: First Name then a space then Lead: Last Name. This will result in full name. If you prefer just first name for a casual call greeting, you could map only first name (depending on how your Awaz agent script addresses the person).

  • Contact Phone Number: Map the Lead’s Phone. If your Salesforce leads use a field like Mobile or an alternate phone, use that as appropriate. Ensure it’s in international format. If your Salesforce org stores phone in local format, you might need to prefix country code. You can use Formatter to prepend something based on lead country. But ideally, ensure your leads have full dialing info. Many times, country is separate, so one could combine country + phone if needed. For simplicity, assume it’s complete or at least in a format Awaz can dial.

  • Call DateTime: Decide if you want immediate call or scheduled. Often for new leads, you might call within minutes. If immediate, leave blank. If you want a slight delay (maybe call 5 minutes after lead creation to give them time to finish site browsing, etc.), you could incorporate a Delay step before this action: add “Delay for 5 minutes” then Awaz call. Or use the schedule field here: get the lead creation time, add 5 minutes. But Zapier doesn’t have a simple “+5 min” in mapping. Easier to use Delay step if needed. If leads often come in after hours and you want to call next morning, that’s more complex logic (would require checking timestamp and delaying or scheduling for next day via Formatter or multiple Paths based on time). For now, we assume immediate or near-immediate calls for quick response.

8. Test the action: Zapier will attempt to call the phone number from the sample lead via Careful: this will call the number. If it’s your test lead with your number, good – you’ll get the call. If it was a real person’s number, you might surprise them with a test call. Preferably use a controllable number for testing. If the test goes through, you should see (or have received) a call. Check the dashboard or logs to confirm the call was placed. The AI should have spoken to you if you answered (since it’s likely an intro script: “Hello [Name]...”). If something is wrong like no call, re-check the mapping and test output.

  • If Zapier returns an error from Awaz, read it. Possibly “Invalid phone format” – then fix formatting. Or “Agent not found” – ensure the Agent ID field is correctly selected (you might need to pick from dropdown if it didn’t auto, or ensure your Awaz account has an active agent).

  • If using Delay step, you won't test that easily in editor (as test will skip delay). You could temporarily remove delay for testing, or just trust it, enabling Zap and doing a real new lead to see it works.

9. Turn on the Zap: Name it (e.g., “Auto Awaz Call for New Salesforce Lead”) and turn it on.

Best Practices & Considerations for Salesforce-Triggered Calls

  • Lead Quality and Timing: Triggering an immediate call for every new lead can be powerful, but ensure it makes sense. If some leads shouldn’t be robo-called (e.g., high-profile enterprise leads might need a human touch first, or maybe leads from certain sources), use filters to exclude them. For instance, if Lead Source = “Referral from Partner”, you might not want an automatic AI call. Tailor to your needs.

  • Awaz Agent script: Make sure the Awaz AI agent is prepared for these calls. Likely, you have given it context that it’s calling as a follow-up to their inquiry. It might say something like “Hi, this is Ava, the virtual assistant from [Your Company]. You recently signed up on our website, so I wanted to reach out...”. Provide the agent with whatever info you have from the lead if possible. Currently, our Zap only passes name and phone. If you also want to feed something like product interest or any field from the lead into the call (like to tailor the conversation), you might need Awaz to support custom input variables. Awaz’s Zap action doesn’t show a generic “Custom Fields” input, but Awaz has “Add or Update Contact” which includes custom fiel ( Google Sheets Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier)4】. You could first create/update an Awaz contact with more details (like an email or interest), then call that contact. That’s an advanced multi-step flow: (1) Search/Create contact in Awaz via “Add or Update Contact” mapping fields, (2) then Make a Call referencing that contact (perhaps by phone number). This ensures the AI agent has those details if it’s programmed to use them. Check Awaz documentation on how the agent can use contact info. If not needed, a basic call with name is fine.

  • Avoid duplicate calls or loops: If you also have a Zap the other way (calls to Salesforce), be cautious. The creation of a Salesforce record in Scenario A could itself trigger Scenario B if not careful – you don’t want an infinite loop (Awaz call creates lead -> triggers another call -> creates another lead...). To prevent this, use some filter. For instance, in Scenario B’s trigger, exclude leads where Lead Source = “Awaz” (which you set in Scenario A for leads created from calls). That way, leads created by the Awaz logging Zap won’t trigger another call. This separation ensures only “real” new leads (e.g., from web or manual entry) trigger calls, not those that were themselves created from calls.

  • Lead updates trigger: If using an update trigger (say when a lead’s status field is changed to “Call again” by a salesperson), implement a filter so that the Zap only runs when that specific field changed to the desired value. Zapier’s raw “Updated Record” doesn’t easily let you filter by “field changed”, it just gives the new values. You could store the previous value in a property or use Zapier Storage, etc. Simpler: If you can, use a Salesforce Process Builder/Flow to send a webhook or write something to a separate “Awaz Call Request” object that Zapier watches. But that’s beyond scope. If doing update trigger, ensure your Zap filter checks that Status (or whatever) equals the trigger value, and maybe that a custom checkbox “Awaz Called” is false, and then you could even update that checkbox to true after the call to not repeat. There are multiple strategies in Salesforce to avoid re-triggering the same record.

  • Multiple phone numbers: If your leads have fields for mobile vs work phone, decide which to call. Maybe prefer mobile. You can put logic: if Mobile is filled use that, else Phone. This can be done with two steps or a little code. Or instruct your team to always put the primary callable number in the main Phone field to keep it simple.

  • Error handling: If an Awaz call fails (perhaps number invalid), you might want to capture that back in Salesforce. For instance, if number was wrong, maybe update the Lead status to “Call Failed - Invalid Number”. Zapier can detect errors in the call action, but handling it programmatically requires another path for error which isn’t straightforward without using a Try/Catch concept. As a simpler workaround, you could have Awaz’s “New Call” trigger (Scenario A) tied into Salesforce updates: if Awaz returns a status “failed”, update a field on the lead. But linking the call to the correct lead might require matching phone numbers. A bit complex, so not covering fully here. Just keep an eye manually – e.g., if calls aren’t going through, the sales team should see no activity on lead and can follow up manually.

  • Call scheduling via Salesforce: If you want to schedule calls for a later time from Salesforce, one approach is to set a Date/Time field (like “Call on”) in Salesforce and use a scheduled Zap (every 15 minutes, check for leads where Call on is in the past and Not yet called). That’s a different pattern using Zapier schedule or Salesforce reports. For immediate response, real-time trigger is simpler.

  • Salesforce limits: The trigger for new lead will use API calls but that’s usually fine. If you bulk import many leads at once, Zapier will fire for each – this could overwhelm Awaz or be unintended (like if importing a list, you might not want to robocall all immediately!). In such cases, remember to turn off the Zap or add a condition to ignore leads created by data loads (maybe filter by CreatedBy user or Lead Source).

By integrating Salesforce and, your sales process becomes highly automated: new prospects get an instant outreach call, and all call activities are logged back in Salesforce. This ensures your sales reps can see AI call attempts and outcomes directly in the CRM and can follow up accordingly. It’s a powerful combo for improving lead engagement speed while keeping records up-to-date.

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