Awaz.ai can integrate with Airtable via Zapier to store call information and initiate calls based on database records. This guide covers:
✅ Scenario A: Logging Awaz.ai call results in Airtable for structured call tracking and analysis.
✅ Scenario B: Triggering AI calls whenever a new or updated Airtable record appears (e.g., calling a contact when added to a specific base).
Airtable’s spreadsheet-database hybrid makes it an ideal tool for managing call workflows efficiently.
Scenario A: Update an Airtable Record When an Awaz.ai Call Happens
Log call details into Airtable whenever an Awaz.ai call occurs. Perhaps you have an Airtable base of leads or customers, and you want to note when they were called and what the outcome was. We’ll assume an Airtable table where each row is a contact or a call log.
Step 1: Set Up Awaz.ai Call Trigger
Create Zap with Awaz.ai “New Call” trigger: Choose Awaz.ai as trigger and New Call (triggers when a call is finishe (Awaz.ai Google Sheets Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier). Connect your Awaz.ai account if needed.
Test trigger: Ensure sample data is retrieved with fields like contact phone, maybe name, call status, etc.
Step 2: Find or Prepare the Airtable Record to Update
To update a specific record, we need to find it. Two common approaches:
Your Airtable table might have a unique key like “Phone Number” that corresponds to the contact called. We can search for the record by phone.
Or if each call is a separate record in another table (like a Call Logs table), you might not need to update but rather create a new record for each call (which might be simpler).
Approach 1: Update a contact’s record with last call info:
Add Airtable “Find Record” (Search) step: Choose Airtable app, action “Find Record”. Select the Base and Table where your contacts are. For “Search by Field”, choose the field that holds phone numbers (e.g., “Phone”). Map the Awaz trigger’s phone number into the search value. This will look for a row with that phone. (Make sure phone formats match; you might need to format Awaz number to match how Airtable stores it, e.g., no plus sign or certain formatting. Use Formatter if needed).
Set behavior: If record is found, great. If not found, you can have Zapier create one (there’s often an option “Create record if not found”). Enable that if you want new contacts to be added to Airtable when called the first time. If you do, map at least the phone into the new record (and whatever else available like name from Awaz).
Test find: With sample data, test this step. If your sample number matches an existing row, it should return that record with its fields. If not, it might create a new row if allowed.
Add Airtable “Update Record” step: Now take the Record ID from the find step and update that record with call info. In Zapier, add Airtable action “Update Record”. Select same base/table. In the Record ID field, insert the ID from the Find Record step (Zapier will allow you to choose “ID” from the search step output).
Map fields to update: For example:
“Last Call Date” field: map the Awaz call timestamp (you might format it to a nice date or just use as is).
“Last Call Status” field: map Awaz call status (Completed, Failed, etc.).
“Call Notes” or “Transcript Summary” field: if Awaz provided any summary or you want to put notes (maybe not automatically available unless your agent pushes something via Agent Trigger). Perhaps you at least note "AI call completed" or reason.
If you created a new contact (if none found), you might also fill name or other fields if Awaz had them.
Any custom outcome from Awaz (if your agent triggers events for e.g. “Interested” vs “Not Interested”, you could capture that via an Agent Trigger and then the Zap could map that as well).
Test update: This will update (or create+update) a record in Airtable. Check your Airtable to see if the correct record got updated with sample data. Verify the fields.
Approach 2: Log each call as new record in a Calls table:
This is simpler if you want a historical log of all calls:
3. Add Airtable “Create Record” step: Choose base and table (maybe “Awaz Call Logs”). Map fields:
Date/Time = Awaz call time,
Contact Name = Awaz contact name (or phone or link to contacts table if using a relation in Airtable),
Phone = phone number,
Call Status = Awaz status,
Notes = any details or transcript snippet.
If your Airtable has a linked field to contacts (phone or email), you could do a find beforehand to get the contact’s record ID to link them. Or store just phone and later relate manually.
4. Test create: Check Airtable for new row.
You can combine both: e.g., update contact record and also add a new call log entry via two actions. Airtable can handle multiple actions if needed.
Step 3: Troubleshooting & Best Practices for Logging to Airtable
Phone format consistency: If search by phone fails due to formatting, normalize. For example, store phone in Airtable as digits only or E.164. Use Zapier Formatter on Awaz number (which might have + or spaces) to match. Or use Airtable formulas to sanitize for search (like a formula field that strips symbols, and search that).
Choosing unique key: Phone is common but if multiple contacts share phone (rare), could use email if Awaz had it. Awaz triggers might not have email unless the call agent asked and recorded it. Unlikely unless configured.
Race conditions: Unlikely, but if two calls at same exact moment for same contact, two Zap runs update same record – should be fine sequentially, last one wins (not a big issue).
Airtable rate limits: Logging each call is normally fine; Airtable can handle many rows, but check your Airtable’s record limit for your plan.
Airtable field types: Ensure the field types match what you input. Date field expects date format; Zapier might send text date and Airtable will parse if recognizable. If issues, use Formatter to format date to ISO or the format Airtable expects (e.g., “2025-03-05 16:30:00”). For single select fields (like Status), ensure the value from Awaz exactly matches one of the options or enable “Create options on the fly” in Zap if available.
No record found path: If using search+update and you choose not to auto-create if not found, you may want to handle “not found” scenario to avoid Zap error. Use a Filter step: proceed to update only if Record ID from search exists. Or simpler: enable the create if not found in the find step.
Security: Ensure no sensitive call content is stored in Airtable if it’s sensitive and Airtable is shared widely. Perhaps just store meta-data and keep actual transcripts in Awaz or a secure place, linking by ID.
Testing end-to-end: Make a test call through Awaz (maybe call your phone via Awaz manually or via a test trigger) so that Zap triggers and then see Airtable updated.
Scenario B: Trigger an Awaz.ai Call from New/Updated Airtable Record
Whenever a new record is added or an existing record is updated in Airtable, initiate an Awaz.ai call. For example, adding a customer to Airtable could trigger an immediate welcome call, or updating a row’s status to “Needs Call” triggers a call. Airtable’s Zapier triggers include new record, new record in view, or updated record (via a workaround).
Step 1: Set Up Airtable Trigger
Choose Airtable trigger: Zapier’s options:
New Record: triggers when a new row is added.
New Record in View: triggers when a record enters a specified view (this is handy for updated scenarios – e.g., have a view filtered to “Needs Call = true”, when you set that field on a record, it appears in the view and triggers the Zap).
There is also an Airtable trigger in Zapier "New or Updated Record" if you have a Zapier Airtable integration version 2 (in some instances). If available, you can use that directly and it triggers on creation or modification.
For reliability, using “New record in view” is a common approach to catch updates. We’ll illustrate with that: You create a view in your table, e.g., called “To Call” that filters where a checkbox “Call Now” is checked (or Status = “Pending Call”).
Set up the trigger: In Zapier, select Airtable as trigger, event = New Record in View. Connect to your base and table, then select the specific view (e.g., “To Call”).
Test trigger: Ensure Zapier finds a sample record that currently is in that view. If none, add a dummy row in Airtable that meets the filter (e.g., check the “Call Now” box). Zapier should pull it.
Step 2: (Optional) Ensure one-time trigger
If using “New record in view”, Airtable will trigger only when record enters the view the first time. If you want to call only once per record, that’s good. If record leaves view (e.g., you uncheck and then check again later), it might trigger again, not sure if Airtable treats that as "new in view" each time it re-enters; usually it might trigger again if it left and re-entered after being removed for long enough. To avoid duplicates, you might move the record to a different view or mark that it was called (so it no longer meets “to call” criteria). Often, one sets up the automation such that after the call is triggered, a field “Call Scheduled” or “Called” is updated (maybe by the Zap itself) to remove it from that view, preventing repeat triggers.
We can do that:
4. Add Airtable “Update Record” in the Zap (after call action) to uncheck the “Call Now” or set “Status = Called”. This will remove it from the "To Call" view so it doesn’t trigger again. We'll include that after the call.
Step 3: Awaz.ai Call Action
Add Awaz.ai “Make a Call” action: As usual. Connect account.
Map Airtable fields to call fields:
Agent ID: Choose which agent will handle these calls (maybe a generic one for outbound).
From Number: Set your outbound number.
Contact Name: Map from Airtable. If your table has separate first/last or just one name field, use it. If not, might have at least an “Name” field.
Contact Phone Number: Map from Airtable’s phone field.
Call DateTime: You could either call immediately when record is added/updated (likely default), so leave blank for instant. Alternatively, if your Airtable row has a specific datetime for the call, you could schedule it by mapping that. For example, if your base has a “Scheduled Call Time” field. If you do, ensure it’s in a proper format or use Formatter to format to Awaz’s expectation.
(Any other context: If you have other fields, like reason for call or product interest, and you want the AI to know, consider using Awaz contact creation. For now, not doing that.)
Test the action: This will call the number from your sample Airtable record. Use a test record with your phone to verify. Awaz should call and the agent should speak. Confirm success or troubleshoot any errors (like invalid number formatting – ensure the Airtable phone is stored in e.g. +1 format or whatever Awaz expects. If Airtable phone field has formatting like (123)456-7890, Awaz might handle it, but safer to store as +11234567890 in Airtable or use Formatter to strip non-digits and add + and country).
(Optional) Update Airtable after call initiated: As discussed, to mark the record as called:
Add Airtable Update Record step after Awaz action.
Use the Record ID from the trigger (Zapier provides the record ID from “New record in view” trigger).
Set field “Call Now” to unchecked (false) or “Status” to “Called” etc. This will immediately remove it from the trigger view typically.
Test this step too (the sample record will be updated – check Airtable to see it changed).
Note: This update might happen quickly, possibly before the call actually completes. That’s okay as long as you intended just to mark that we attempted/scheduled the call. If you want to mark only after successful completion, you’d need to incorporate scenario A’s trigger or use Paths depending on call status feedback, which is advanced (since call completion happens later, outside this Zap’s immediate run).
Turn on Zap: Name e.g. “Airtable to Awaz Call Zap” and activate.
Step 4: Using the system
Now when you add a new record that meets the view filter or change an existing record to meet it, the Zap should trigger and call the number. After triggering, the record will be updated (via Zap) to not meet the filter (thus moving it out of the view).
Monitor that it works by doing a real test: Add a dummy row with your number, see it call you, and see Airtable update.
Troubleshooting & Best Practices:
Using “New Record” trigger: If you chose just “New Record” (no view filtering), then every new row triggers a call. That’s fine if that’s what you want and no updates scenario. But if you also want to trigger on field changes, “new record in view” is the workaround.
Using “Updated Record” via view: If you want to trigger on update (like checking a box later), ensure that initially the record doesn’t meet the view criteria. Only when updated does it appear in view and trigger. So default “Call Now” should be false. Then when someone checks it, it enters view -> triggers -> Zap calls -> Zap unchecks it again.
Avoid infinite loop: If your Zap updates the record in the same table, be careful: We set it to update a field so it leaves the view. That update itself could potentially trigger the Zap if not careful. But since after update, the record no longer meets the view filter, it shouldn’t trigger "new record in view" again (it’s not new in the view, it’s actually leaving it).
If you used “New or Updated Record” trigger, then your own update action would count as an update and could retrigger the Zap, causing potentially an unwanted call. To avoid that, use a view method or include a filter like "Call Now = true" as a condition to proceed in Zap and ensure you set it false after.
The view method is nice because once the record is updated to false, it’s not in view, so even if trigger considered that an update, it won’t find it in view to trigger.
Multiple calls for one record: If you want to be able to trigger again later for the same record, you might toggle the field off then on again (which effectively we did automatically). But Airtable’s “new in view” might trigger again if the record left the view and later re-enters (like after some time or if you add another criteria like a timestamp). This can be utilized if needed.
Throttling: If someone adds many records at once (like bulk import 100 new rows), Zapier will create 100 tasks to call each. Awaz should handle them, but be mindful of call spam or hitting any rate limits. Usually fine unless it’s hundreds at a time. Zapier queues them and Awaz will queue or parallelize as capable.
Data consistency: Ensure required fields exist. If a record has no phone number but triggers a call, Awaz will error. You might add a Filter step: Phone field “Exists” and is not empty, before calling. That prevents trying to call blank.
Airtable to store call outcomes: We partially did via scenario A. You might unify these so that after the call completes, it updates the same record with outcome. That would require Awaz call completion to target the record. Possibly store the record ID somewhere Awaz can echo it back on call done. This is complex but could be done by, say, using Awaz contact or a unique phone. Or simpler: just rely on phone number to match and update (like scenario A search by phone will find the record and update “Last Call Outcome”). That can work if one record per contact.
Testing thoroughly: Do multiple test cases: new record triggers call; updating existing record triggers call; ensure no duplicate triggers. Check Zapier task history if something misbehaves (like filter not working as expected).
Combining Airtable’s organizational power with Awaz.ai’s calling capability can create a mini-CRM or call campaign tool: e.g., drop contacts into Airtable and have AI calls go out, while logging everything. It’s powerful for managing call campaigns or lead follow-ups in a very customized way.
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