Connect Awaz.ai with Slack via Zapier to streamline notifications and actions. This guide covers:
✅ Scenario A: Sending an automatic Slack message alert whenever an Awaz.ai call event occurs (e.g., completed call or agent update).
✅ Scenario B: Triggering an Awaz.ai call when a Slack message with a certain keyword is posted (e.g., a Slack command starts an AI call).
These integrations help keep your team informed in real time and allow Slack to be a convenient trigger for AI calls.
Scenario A: Send Slack Message on Awaz.ai Call Events
Notify your team on Slack whenever a significant Awaz.ai event happens. For example, post a message in a Slack channel when an AI call is completed, with details like who was called and the outcome. You could also use this for mid-call triggers (like the AI agent “flags” something that needs human attention).
Step 1: Set Up the Awaz.ai Trigger
Create a Zap with Awaz.ai as the Trigger: Start a new Zap and select Awaz.ai as the trigger app.
Choose the event – e.g., “New Call”: For call completion alerts, select New Call (triggers when a call finishes) (Awaz.ai Webhooks by Zapier Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier). If you instead want to alert on a custom in-call event, use Agent Trigger (Awaz.ai Webhooks by Zapier Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier), but note you’ll need to configure your Awaz AI agent to invoke that (e.g., via Awaz’s conversation flows). For our example, we’ll use New Call to get an alert after any call ends.
Connect Awaz.ai account: (Use the connection you set up earlier or connect anew by providing API key/credentials.)
Test the trigger: Ensure Zapier pulls a sample call event. The data should include fields like call status, and possibly the phone number or contact name, agent info, etc. This data will be used in the Slack message.
Step 2: Set Up Slack Message Action
Add Slack as the Action app: For the action step, choose Slack.
Select “Send Channel Message” (or “Send Direct Message”): Decide where you want the alert. If it’s a team notification, use Send Channel Message. If you want to DM a specific user or yourself, use Send Direct Message. We’ll proceed with a channel message example.
Connect your Slack account: Authorize Zapier to access your Slack workspace if not done yet. Choose the workspace and allow Zapier permissions (it will need rights to post messages).
Set up the Slack message details:
Channel: Select the Slack channel for the alert (e.g., #awaz-calls or #sales-team). You must have access to the channel. If it’s private, you’ll need to have invited the Zapier bot to that channel first.
Message Text: Compose the message using both static text and data from Awaz. For instance:
"🤖 Awaz.ai Alert: Call with *{{Contact Name}}* at {{Contact Phone}} just finished. Status: {{Call Status}}. Agent: {{Agent}}."
Use the insert data menu to pull in fields – e.g., Contact Name, Phone, Call Status, etc., from the Awaz trigger. If the Awaz trigger only gives a phone number (no name), you can just use phone or say “Contact”. The message can be formatted with Slack markdown (like *bold* for emphasis).
You might also include other info: if Awaz provides a call recording URL or transcript summary, you could include a link (ensure it’s accessible). Or simply state “Call completed successfully” or “Call failed” based on status.
Username (optional): You can set a custom username for the bot message, e.g. “Awaz AI Bot”, or leave it as Zapier default.
Icon Emoji (optional): You could add an emoji like :telephone_receiver: or :robot_face: to appear as the avatar for the message.
Include a timestamp or thread? For basic alerts, you usually post as a new message. No need to thread unless you prefer threading off of a main post.
Mention users if needed: You can include @here or @channel in the text to notify everyone (if allowed in your workspace), or @username to ping a specific person (Zapier will ask for additional permission to mention). Use sparingly to avoid alert fatigue.
Example Message Text:
"📞 **Awaz Call Completed**: AI agent just finished a call with *{{Phone Number}}*. Result: *{{Call Status}}*. (Agent: {{Agent Name}})"
This would produce something like: Awaz Call Completed: AI agent just finished a call with +1 234567890. Result: Completed. (Agent: SalesBot). – posted by the Zapier bot.Setting up a Slack channel message in Zapier. Here we choose the channel and compose a message that includes Awaz.ai data, such as the call status and contact number, to inform the team of the call outcome (Awaz.ai Webhooks by Zapier Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier) (Awaz.ai Webhooks by Zapier Integration - Quick Connect - Zapier)
Test the Slack action: When you click Test & Continue, Zapier will send the sample data as a message to Slack. Check your Slack channel – you should see the test message. Verify the formatting and data. For example, see that the fields populated correctly (“Call Status: Completed”, etc.). If something is off (like a blank where a name should be), adjust your message template.
Turn on the Zap: Name it (e.g., “Awaz Call Alert to Slack”) and enable it. Now your team will get Slack notifications for each Awaz call event.
Step 3: Best Practices & Troubleshooting for Slack Alerts
Clarity of messages: Since Slack is real-time, craft the message to be concise but informative. Use emojis or highlights to make it stand out. For example, a green check or red cross emoji based on call success/failure can quickly convey outcome. You can use a Filter step before Slack to send different messages for different outcomes (e.g., only alert failures or urgent triggers).
Avoid overloading channels: If Awaz calls are very frequent, consider posting to a low-traffic channel or limiting alerts. People might mute a channel that's too noisy. If only certain calls need alerts (say calls where the customer asked for human help), consider using Awaz’s Agent Trigger only for those cases, rather than every call.
Agent Trigger usage: If you opt for Agent Trigger as the Awaz trigger, ensure your AI agent’s flow is set to call zapier_agent_trigger at the right moment (as per Awaz’s documentation). For example, the agent might trigger when a customer says “talk to human” or when the AI cannot answer a question. That event could carry context (maybe a snippet of what was asked). You can include that in your Slack message. This is more advanced – test thoroughly, and include in the Slack message text any details that the agent passes (Zapier will show the fields available from the trigger).
Slack message formatting issues: If you see weird characters or formatting in Slack, adjust your text. For instance, if a phone number isn’t showing, check that you used the right variable from Awaz. Also, Slack might auto-link certain things (like phone numbers or links). Usually that’s fine. If you need multi-line messages, you can use \n in the text for line breaks.
Permissions: If the Zap says it posted but you see nothing in Slack, check that the Zapier bot user has access to the channel. If private, invite the bot by typing /invite @Zapier in that channel. Also, ensure no Slack admin restrictions are blocking the bot.
Latency: Slack messages from Zapier triggers are near-instant (especially if Awaz trigger is instant). There might be a few seconds delay from call end to Slack post. If you notice significant delays, check Zapier’s task history; if on a Free plan, multi-step Zaps might have a couple minutes delay for polling triggers (though Awaz triggers are instant webhooks, so it should be quick).
Use Case Ideas:
Missed Call Alert: If Awaz is handling inbound calls and one ends in a failure or unanswered, send a Slack alert to follow up. Use a filter: Call Status equals “Failed” -> Slack alert “❗Missed call from [number], please follow up.”
Daily Summary: Instead of per call, you could accumulate calls and post a summary at day’s end. That would require storing data and using Schedule by Zapier to post once a day. Simpler approach: just rely on Slack search or channel history as a log of all calls.
Include call link: If Awaz.ai provides a link to the call recording or details in their dashboard, include that URL in the Slack message so a team member can click to review the call if needed. (Make sure it’s a accessible link or possibly a link to your CRM if integrated.)
Scenario B: Trigger Awaz.ai Call from Slack Keyword Command
Allow a Slack message (for example, a command or keyword in a channel) to initiate an Awaz.ai phone call. This could be used for on-demand calls – e.g., a support agent types “call +1234567890 please” in Slack and Zapier triggers Awaz to call that number with an AI agent. Or a keyword like “!AwazCall” followed by some identifier triggers a call workflow. This essentially turns Slack into a simple interface for requesting calls.
Step 1: Set Up the Slack Trigger
Create a Zap with Slack as the Trigger app: Start a new Zap, choose Slack for the trigger.
Select “New Message Posted to Channel” (or a specific Slack trigger): The most common choice is New Message Posted to Channel. This will fire for every message in a designated channel. We will combine it with a filter for keywords. Alternatively, if you only want to trigger via a Slack slash command, consider using Slack’s slash command feature with a webhook (that’s a more custom setup outside Zapier’s built-in triggers). For simplicity, we’ll use the message trigger.
Connect Slack account: (Connect if not done already.)
Set trigger options: Choose the channel where the command will be posted, e.g., #awaz-commands or maybe a private channel if you want only certain users to use it. If you leave channel blank (or use a trigger like “Anywhere”), you’d have to filter by content and user — not recommended as it triggers on every message workspace-wide. Best to dedicate one channel for these commands or one channel per type of trigger.
Test the trigger: Post an example message in that Slack channel to act as sample. For instance, type: Awaz call 1234567890 in the channel. Fetch the sample in Zapier – it should show the message text and other details (user, timestamp, etc.).
Step 2: Filter the Slack Message (Keyword Check)
Add a Filter step (optional but recommended): Click + and add Filter by Zapier. We want the Zap to continue only if the message contains our keyword or pattern. Set up a filter rule such as: Message Text (select Slack’s message text field) Contains keyword (for example, contains “Awaz call”). This condition is case-sensitive by default. You could use lowercase and in the filter select “(Text) Contains” and put awaz call to catch that phrase. If you want to be specific or use a prefix like !call, adjust accordingly.
If you want the trigger to be very explicit, you could say the message must start with a keyword. Zapier’s filter doesn’t have “starts with” directly, but you can achieve it by using two conditions or a regex in a Code step. Keeping it simple, “contains” should work if your users format the command distinctly.
Example: Filter: Text contains "Awaz call" AND maybe Text contains "+" (to ensure a phone number with country code is present). You can also add condition to ensure it’s not a bot message (Slack triggers might include bot messages; by default it triggers on human messages, but you can refine by checking the Subtype field).
Test the filter: It will test against your sample message. If your sample met the criteria (“Awaz call” was in the text), it should pass. If it says “would not have continued”, adjust your filter or sample and retest.
Step 3: Configure Awaz.ai “Make a Call” Action
Add Awaz.ai “Make a Call” action: Now add the Awaz.ai action step, selecting Make a Call as in earlier scenarios.
Map the details from Slack message: The challenge here is extracting the phone number (and possibly a name or context) from the Slack message text, since Slack message is just a string. Assuming the message format is consistent, e.g., "Awaz call 1234567890" or "Awaz call +1-234-567-8900 John Doe", you have a few options:
Simple case: If the message always ends with the phone number, you can use Zapier’s Formatter step (Text -> Extract Phone Number) before this action. Insert the Slack message text, and have Formatter extract a phone number string. This works if the number is in standard format. Add that Formatter step prior to Awaz action and use its output.
If the message has a fixed structure (e.g., first word is 'Awaz', second word 'call', third is phone, fourth is name), you could use Formatter Text -> Split to get parts. For example, split by space and take the third chunk as phone, fourth onward as name.
For simplicity, let’s assume the Slack message text is like “Awaz call +1234567890 John”. We’ll do: Formatter (Regex) to pull the \+?\d+ (digits and plus) as phone, and maybe another to get the name if provided. If not comfortable, you can ask users to only input the phone and handle name elsewhere.
In our guide, we’ll cover just extracting phone:
Add Formatter by Zapier (before Awaz action): Choose Text and Extract Phone Number. For the input, select the Slack message text. Test it – it should output the phone number found. Now use this Formatter’s output in the Awaz action.
Now in Make a Call step:
Agent ID: select the agent as appropriate (e.g., a general outbound agent).
From Number: choose your outgoing number (if required).
Contact Name: You might not have this from Slack unless you parse it. You could use the Slack user’s name who issued the command as the contact name. Zapier Slack trigger data includes the username or real name. That’s an interesting alternative: e.g., use Slack “User” name field – so the call is made to the number but the contact name could be "Requested by [Slack User]". However, Awaz likely expects the contact name to be the callee’s name. If you don’t have it, you might put the Slack username or just “Slack User”. It’s optional, but for better context in logs you might fill something.
Contact Phone Number: here, insert the output from the Formatter (the extracted phone). This ensures a clean phone number goes to Awaz.
Call DateTime: likely we want immediate calls when command is given, so leave this blank (immediate). Or if you want to allow scheduling via Slack too, you’d have to parse a datetime from message – that’s far more complex, so let’s stick to immediate.
Test the action: Trigger the test using your sample (which should have, say, “+1234567890”). Be prepared: it will initiate a call to that number. Ideally, use your own number as the sample to avoid randomly calling someone. If everything is set, you should get a call from Awaz.ai to that number. This confirms Slack -> Awaz connection works. Check the Awaz agent spoke or at least the call connected (if you answer and hear the AI or a prompt, it’s working).
Turn on the Zap: Name it (e.g., “Slack Keyword to Awaz Call Zap”) and turn it on.
Step 4: Using the Slack Command and Safety
Now test it live in Slack: In the chosen channel, type the command phrase like Awaz call +15551234567 TestUser. Watch Zapier trigger and the call come through.
You can refine the command usage: perhaps pin a message in the Slack channel explaining the format (so team members know how to request a call). Example: “To have the Awaz AI call a number, type: Awaz call <phone_number>.”
Important: Prevent abuse or mistakes. It might be wise to restrict who can access this Zap or channel. If someone types a message that matches inadvertently, it could trigger a call. You might add an additional filter condition like User is one of… specific usernames, to only allow certain Slack users to trigger it. Do this by adding another condition in the Filter step (Slack Message Username Equals "alice" OR "bob"). Alternatively, use a private channel with limited membership.
Troubleshooting & Tips for Slack-Triggered Calls:
Formatting requirements: Slack messages can be unpredictable (people might type things differently). Try to enforce a format. For example, always require the keyword “Awaz call” at the start. Use that in the filter (maybe “Text starts with Awaz call”). If someone forgets the format, the Zap won’t fire or could error if no phone is extracted. You can make the Zap respond with an error message to Slack if format is wrong (via another Slack action), but that’s an advanced addition.
Multiple phone numbers or text in message: The extract phone Formatter will grab the first sequence of digits that looks like a phone. If the message contains more than one number (unlikely in this use case), it may grab only first. Advise users to only put one number. If they put a number with spaces or dashes, the Extract should handle it. Always test a variety: “Awaz call 555-123-4567” etc.
International format: Encourage + and country code in the command for international. If not, you might default to your country. Awaz likely needs country code for proper dialing. If your team often calls local numbers, you might tweak by prefixing a country code via Formatter if not present. (e.g., use Formatter “if number starts not with +, add +1” for US).
Slack rate limits: If your team triggers a bunch of calls quickly, Slack’s API or Zapier might rate-limit. This is rarely an issue unless dozens of commands per minute. Just be aware of volume.
Awaz call costs/limits: Each triggered call uses Awaz resources. Make sure your Awaz.ai plan can handle the volume and any costs (minutes, etc.). You wouldn’t want someone to accidentally trigger calls in a loop. Monitor initially.
Confirmation back to Slack (optional): A nice touch is to have the Zap post a confirmation reply in Slack, like “✅ Calling +15551234567 now.” You can do this by adding another Slack action step Send Channel Message after the Awaz call step, configured to post in thread or channel. Use the Slack Timestamp from the trigger message to post as a thread reply, or just post to channel tagging the user. For example, "Calling {{phone}}...". This lets the user know the Zap carried out the command. If the Awaz call step fails (e.g., invalid number), you might not see that. In Zap history you’d get an error. To handle errors, you’d need Paths or additional logic (beyond scope here). But at least a confirmation for successful trigger is good UX.
By integrating Slack and Awaz.ai, your team can seamlessly request AI-driven calls without leaving Slack, and stay informed on call activities in real-time. This fosters a more responsive workflow; for instance, sales reps can summon an AI to immediately call a lead by typing one line in Slack, or support teams get instant AI call reports in their channel.
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